How Does it Work?

How Does it Work?

Traditional synthetics focus only on the intramembranous bone formation pathway, whereas the human body uses two bone formation pathways to produce bone: the intramembranous pathway in vascular environments, and the endochondral pathway in avascular environments.

With a combination of nanoscale structure and silicate enhanced chemistry, OssDsign Catalyst is designed to engage both the intramembranous and endochondral pathways, allowing for bone formation in more challenging avascular environments such as the center of a fusion mass.*,3,6


Unprecedented results in clinically relevant spine model

The efficacy of a nanosynthetic bone graft substitute as a bone graft extender in lapine posterolateral fusion
Link to publication
*Results from pre-clinical testing may not be predictive of clinical experience in humans. For important safety and intended use information please refer to local IFU.

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